
Elevate Yourself Through Collaboration and Mentorship

AIGA Colorado Mentorship
Tuesday, April 30th
Rocky Mountain College of Art + Design
Rotunda Pavillion
Members: $10, Student Members: $5
Non-members, Student Non-members: $15


Elevate is meant to enhance our design community by identifying with characteristics of what it means to be a designer.  Design students from Colorado colleges and universities will be paired with professional designers from the Denver design community.

You can meet your match at our AIGA Colorado: Elevate kickoff event where all respondents will get a chance to find out who their mentor or mentee might be. Light food and beverages will be served as you speed date to find your mentor match!

The goal of AIGA Colorado: Elevate is to pair a budding designer with a tenured professional to identify with what they deem to be the top 3 characteristics that a designer of 2015 should possess.  This goal will be accomplished by meeting as a pair at least 3 times in the duration of the 4 month program to discuss the current climate of design and what it will take to be prepared to design for our future.  Our program will wrap on July 11th with a mixer to reflect and share your experiences.

Do you want a fresh perspective on the world around you? Become a mentor.  Are you wondering what is next after graduation?  Become a mentee.  Do you want to be the change you’d like to see in the world? Then join AIGA Colorado: Elevate and raise the bar through collaboration, discussion, and mentorship.

If you are interested in being considered as a mentor or mentee, click here to complete the mentor match-maker survey. This will also be your registration to the Elevate event.

If you have any questions about this program, please email

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