Get Away From Your Desk & Help Your Community!

We Want Your GOOD Ideas!

Brown Bag Lunch

Friday Nov 9th at noon

The Desk, located at 13th and Grant in Denver

Bring your lunch and ideas!



Creatives are in a unique position to change their communities, solving problems that others can’t. GOOD Ideas for Cities is a program to tackle real urban challenges and present the solutions at live events across the country.

AIGA Colorado wants to bring this to Denver, and we want you to be part of it! We are hosting a kickoff brown bag lunch to ask “What is a challenge that Denver faces, that we could help solve?” This will be the kick-start meeting for a future AIGA council group that will promote GOOD Ideas for Cities on a reoccurring basis. To RSVP, send an email to:

Together we can brainstorm and dive deeper into the process with our speaker, Alissa Walker, who has been instrumental in this movement nationwide. Alissa will be speaking more about GOOD Ideas For Cities at the Denver Art Museum this Thursday. This event is sure to be exciting, entertaining and insightful, so don’t miss it! Register here.