Interested in Public Interest Design?

Public Interest Design Institute

Auraria Campus, Denver, Colorado

April 11 + 12, 2013


Presented by Metropolitan State University of Denver Communication Design Program and Design Corp and sponsored by University of Colorado, College of Architecture and Planning, this two-day course will provide designers, architects and other design professionals in public interest design with in-depth study on methods of how design can address the critical issues faced by communities. Training in public interest design is a way of enhancing an existing design practice and learning skills to become pro-actively engaged in community-based design. The curriculum is formed around the Social Economic Environmental Design (SEED) metric, a set of standards that outlines the process and principles of this growing approach to design. This process provides a step-by-step aid for those who want to undertake public interest design. Certification in the SEED process will be given.

To register, visit:

For more information about the SEED Network, check out their website.

Questions? Contact Lisa Abendroth: