AIGA Colorado Robert Taylor Professional Grant

As part of AIGA Colorado’s mis­sion to com­mu­ni­cate the value of design, we real­ize that learn­ing doesn’t stop when you leave the class­room with a degree in hand. In fact, that’s when it really starts. New tech­nolo­gies and expand­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties require new skills. Designers are con­stantly evolv­ing to remain rel­e­vant, cre­ative and prof­itable. This is an excit­ing time to be a pro­fes­sional designer, but it can also be tricky to keep up or set the pace.

That’s why AIGA Colorado has cre­ated the Professional Grant. These funds are designed to help you gain a new skill, per­spec­tive, or income stream. This grant is just for you — our Sustaining and Supporting Members — to help fur­ther develop your career and meet your profes­sional goals.

Have a con­fer­ence you want to attend? Training you want to par­tic­i­pate in? Want to start a spe­cial project but don’t have the cap­i­tal? Maximize your mem­ber­ship and grow your pas­sion for design with a Professional Grant. We want to sup­port and nur­ture our design com­mu­nity by sup­port­ing you, our foun­da­tion members.

Each year, AIGA Colorado will award one final­ist up to $1500 to put towards their project. The awards will be announced in the Spring at an AIGA event.

Our past win­ners include Katherine McCoy (2014) and Marni Myers (2014). Both final­ists demon­strated excep­tional work and ded­i­ca­tion to their local community.

Submissions are due on April 6, 2015.


For more infor­ma­tion and gen­eral inquiries about the Robert Taylor AIGA CO Professional Grant, please con­tact Brandon Roth, AIGA Colorado’s Professional Grant Chair.

Still a Student?

Learn about the AIGA CO Robert Taylor Student Scholarship.