On a Silver Anniversary Platter: The 2015-2017 AIGA CO Board of Directors Slate

Committed to elevating design in the Colorado community for the last 25 years.


Colorado has grown into a thriving creative community and AIGA Colorado has been part of it. We are proud to announce the following volunteers who have been selected by the AIGA CO Nominations Committee and elected by the AIGA Colorado Board of Directors to serve the community for the next term:


2015-2017 Board of Directors:

President, Jessica Moore

Vice President Chapter Development, Marty Gregg

Communication Co-Director, Aina Thomas

Community Outreach Director, Angela Serravo

Mentorship & Education Co-Director, Kelsey Fagan

Volunteer Director, Karl Uschold


2015-2016 AIGA CO Chairs:

Administrative Chair, Natalie Zanecchia

Awards Chair, Shawn Meek

Blog Chair, Ryan Murphy

Boulder Community Outreach Chair, Amanda Lenz

Boulder Membership Chair, Amanda Lineberry

Boulder Sponsorship Chair, Ashley Peck

Boulder Volunteer Chair, Sarah Church

Branding Chair, Daniela Cabrerizo

Branding Chair, Shruthi Manjula Balakrishna

Branding Chair, Steven Parisi

Craftworks Chair, Rebecca Garner

Copywriter Chair, Allie Kranick

Design for Good Chair, Ed Popovitz

Drink & Draw Chair, Lindsey Philopois (Durango)

Film Event Chair, Sarah Jones

PR & Social Media Chair, Brandon Proff

Project Manager Chair, Chapter Development, Patricia Garcia

Project Manager Chair, Communications, Jenny Thompson

Project Manager Chair, Education and Mentorship, Brandon Roth

Project Manager Chair, Programming, Lindsay McCord

Speaker Series Chair, Jenny Taylor

Sponsorship Chair, Patrick Donovan

Student Groups Chair, Jay Hollick

Student Groups Chair, Jason O’Hara

Upskill Workshop Chair, Rebecca Schley

Web Chair, Jessica Schillinger

Web Chair, Richard Slemaker

Web Chair, April Walczak

Welcome Wagon Chair, Alyshia Maynard


2015-2016 Continuing Board Members:

President Emeritus, Helen Young

Vice President, Communication, Leslie Jorgensen

Vice President, Programming, Vanessa Wainwright

Field Director, Troy DeRose

Membership Director, Andy Garcia

Mentorship & Education Co-Director, Higher Education, Miranda Ziegler

Programming Co-Director, Victoria Adams-Kotsch

Branding Chair, Kara Dunston

Buzz Chair, Diana Merkel

Drink & Draw Chair, Taylor Langan (D)

Drink & Draw Chair, Amanda Lineberry (B)

Higher Education Chair, Michael Chavez

High School Chair, Jen Rezac


Ratification By The Members

Per the AIGA Colorado Bylaws: This slate is presented only to  all levels of membership within the chapter, Contributing, Sustaining, Design Leader and Trustee members.

More than 50% of the membership must approve this slate for it to pass. At this time, we are only accepting objections. If you object to this slate, please contact the AIGA CO President in writing no later than noon, May 19, 2015. If less than 50% of the membership rejects the slate, the slate will then be deemed ratified, at noon on May 20, 2015. The term for the 2015-2016 chair members will commence on May 20, 2015. Board directors terms 2015-2017 commencing on May 20, 2015.

Do you have a question about this slate,  or a general suggestion for AIGA CO?  Contact AIGA CO President, Helen Young at president@aigacolorado.org

Special thanks to all our members for their input and support of AIGA Colorado.

Thank you for making a difference and helping Colorado’s creative community thrive