Boulder Speaker Series: James Puckett

Last Thursday night, designers of all creeds convened at Boulder Digital Arts for AIGA CO: Boulder’s first Speaker Series event. The intimate venue was packed to hear James’ tour through the history, present, and future of type design.

Starting from metal type, we weaved our way through metal punches, letterpress, the advent of wood type (think: those amazing large advertisements from the 1830s+), all the way to the digital era.

James also shared his experiences working on systems for Arabic languages — the challenges that come with languages with a huge variety of characters and inflections and how to work each character seamlessly into the web space at any size. You can see his other work here:

Now back to the future, James shared a thought to perk up any web designer: responsive fonts! Check out the links of responsive type and other cool links from James’ talk.

Demo of responsive type:

Make your own font:

Cloud based font management system:

Rent fonts:

Ever want to try a font but you didn’t wan to buy the whole family? Well now you can rent them for a fraction of the price!

Daily type specimen: