
The Review with ADCD

What is The Review?

The Review is open to design and advertising students at all levels in the Rocky Mountain region. Get invaluable feedback on your portfolio as it is reviewed by up to five creative professionals, and compete for scholarships and prizes!

Student Registration

Top portfolio from each session will win a $1,000 Educational Scholarship.
Students, if you are unable to make it to The Review, please email us as soon as possible so we can issue you a refund and get a student from our wait list to take your place.

When: Saturday April 30th
Where: Integer Denver, 7245 W. Alaska Dr.  Lakewood, CO  80226

Cost to Students
$10 – Student members of ADCD and AIGA Colorado*
$20 – Non-members
*Enter in the promo code (The ADCD & AIGA member promo code is: Portfolio) to receive the discounted member rate for tickets. The ADCD promo code can be found when ADCD members are logged into the site in a sidebar message. Please email us at with any questions.

We will be giving away scholarships and prizes to the best portfolios for each session. Good luck!

Register For The Review, Session 1: Sophomores and Juniors — Register Here

Description Session I: Sophomores and Juniors, suggested
9:30-10am: Student and Reviewer check-in
10-12pm: 4 to 5, 20 min. reviews.

Lunch Panel Discussion, with lunch provided 12:00pm – 1:00pm

Register For The Review, Session 2: Advanced Junior, Senior and Graduate — Register Here

Description Session II : Advanced Junior, Senior and Graduate, suggested
11:30am-1pm: Student and Reviewer check-in
1 -3pm: 4 to 5, 20 min. reviews

Professional Reviewers
Art Directors Club of Denver and AIGA Colorado invite you to help shape young designers by giving them feedback on their portfolios at The Review. We are asking for a two hour commitment for one of the two sessions below. If you would like to be a reviewer, please contact Susan Stites:

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