Five by One – Nancy Skolos and Tom Wedell

1. Made Us Think

We recently saw The Connected Planet from the PBS series: Humanity From Space, illuminating the forces at work behind our ever expanding networks and making us think about the accelerating discoveries—past, present and future—for human interaction.

2. Made Us Look

Experimental music notation.

We’ve always been fascinated with the sensate aspects of design and in the overlap between music and visual art as forms of expression. This is an area we hope to explore in more depth during Nancy’s sabbatical this year.

3. Made Us Excited

Our recent move to Providence this summer and current renovation of a 1958 house designed by RISD alum, Ira Rakatansky has provided insight into 3-d proportion, space, and materials. We have strived to preserve the original character of the era while updating systems and tweaking finishes and fixtures. Should be finished by winter.

4. Made Us Happy

An August week at Bennington Chamber Music Conference in Vermont where Nancy played the clarinet for up to eight hours a day. This year’s repertoire included Barber’s Summer Music, Britten’s Sinfonietta, and a Martinu Nonet.

5. Books We’re Reading

Hello World—Where Design Meets Life

by Alice Rawsthorn

Smart, comprehensive and accessible. Lends invaluable insight into the interconnections between the design disciplines and how they work in the world.