
RT Scholarship Application


AIGA Colorado Robert Taylor Scholarship

Total Scholarship offered: $1,500 for 1st Place + $500 for 2nd Place
Application Fee: $10
Application Deadline: Monday, April 18th, 2022
2022 Application Call open on Monday, February 14, 2022



College students from around Colorado can submit their entries to be selected for the interview process as the AIGA Colorado Board searches for the 2022 Robert Taylor Scholarship recipient.

In 2008, the AIGA Colorado Scholarship was created to help young designers who are enrolled in an accred­ited col­lege design pro­gram. Today, AIGA Colorado offers one $1500 and one $500 schol­ar­ship to student designers that demon­strate lead­er­ship within the design com­mu­nity, as well as out­stand­ing work in the field of design.

In 2010, AIGA renamed the schol­ar­ship in honor of the late Robert Taylor. His designs, lead­er­ship and com­mit­ment to the design com­mu­nity fueled inspi­ra­tion and advanc­ed design in Denver. Mr. Taylor was an AIGA Colorado Fellow Award Recipient, served on the Board of Directors for AIGA and ADCD, and served on the Advisory Board for AIGA Colorado.

Our past win­ners include: Kalene Thompson (2009), Mia Huang (2010), Stephanie Gibson (2011), Samantha Kogle (2012), Gustavo Esquinca (2013) Shruthi Manjula Balakrishna (2014), Seth Haller (2015), Olivia Orr (2016), Lauren Hostetler (2017), Maddi Waneka (2018/19) and Jordan Fuqua (2021). These young design­ers have all demon­strated their inno­va­tion, creativity, passion, and lead­er­ship in design as a practice.


Submission Guidelines:

For other inquiries regarding the Robert Taylor AIGA CO Scholarship, please contact AIGA Colorado’s Education Tower Executive at

No longer a Student?
Learn about the AIGA CO Robert Taylor Professional Grant.

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