
Cause Related: The Power of the Poster

Announcement and Call for Entries

Cause Related: The Power of the Poster Show is happening once again at VSA Colorado’s Access Gallery
 July 17– August 1, 2015

Cause Related is initiated by VSA Colorado’s Access Gallery and supported by AIGA Colorado and the design community. This collaborative poster show and auction will display posters with a powerful message against social injustice. All proceeds return to the local community, benefitting VSA Colorado and AIGA Colorado Education & Mentorship programs.

Pulling from local and national sources, the 2015 show features posters created through the AIGA men­tor­ship pro­grams  Giving Voice and Elevate alongside dona­tions from AIGA board mem­bers and signed posters by designers such as  Milton Glaser and Lanny Sommese.

The show is also open to submissions so donate work, come to the opening, and be a part of something you believe in!

The last day to submit digital poster design  is Monday, June 25th so if you are a Designer who wants to donate work then follow these easy steps:
1. Donate an 18X24 Poster centered around the idea of impacting Social Injustices in our world
2. Fill out this Form to Register as a Artist + Designer
3. Upload a digital file of your Poster within the form above


Ship 2 SIGNED Prints no later than June 19th:
to: VSA Denver Access Gallery
Damon Mcleese
909 Santa Fe Dr
Denver, CO 80204

*If you are unable to ship your work in time then feel free to email the file to as RMCAD and Gensler has donated their services to ensure that your work is in the show.


To support Cause Related: The Power of the Poster. Donations fund the VSA Access Gallery and AIGA Colorado mentorship & education programs.


Giving Voice
Now in its ninth year, Giving Voice is a part­ner­ship between VSA Colorado/Access Gallery and AIGA Colorado. The pro­gram is designed to empower teens liv­ing with dis­abil­i­ties to give voice to a social cause that’s impor­tant to them. Working together with a pro­fes­sional graphic designer, they have the oppor­tu­nity to express some­thing that is sig­nif­i­cant to them, and, more impor­tantly, have some­one listen.

Elevate pairs college stu­dents with design pro­fes­sion­als to work on projects for the greater good. When two paths cross to col­lab­o­rate on design for good, amaz­ing things can hap­pen. Students expe­ri­ence work­ing with an estab­lished designer. Professionals develop their lead­er­ship skills and are exposed to fresh ideas.



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