Drink & Draw Round Robin Recap

AIGA’s most relaxed and FREE event Drink & Draw returned for another exciting installment at Cap City Tavern.

The nearly 60 participants enjoyed an evening of round robin-style drawing on 8.5 x 11 paper for 10 minutes and then passed to someone else in the room to draw on for 10 minutes. After two rounds were completed, some interesting work was done, new friendships were made, and more than a few pints were consumed.  SOAPOINT provided the ritual “tab drawing” where one lucky person in the room gets their tab paid for.  This was one of our largest to date, and we look forward to trying to beat our record for next month!
Details coming soon on the location of our next AIGA Colorado Drink & Draw, on Sept. 9th. Thanks to SOAPOINT and AIGA Colorado who co-sponsored and supplied the materials for the event. Mad love to everyone who came out and worked with us on our limited seating!




By AIGA Colorado
Published August 19, 2014
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