Sponsor Highlight: Soapoint Graphics

This month, we are featuring Soapoint Graphics. Soapoint sponsors AIGA Colorado’s monthly Drink + Draw event as well as other events including this year’s SDC Snowboard Design Competition. We wanted to get to know them a little better, so we asked a few questions:

AIGA CO: Tell us a bit about your company & what do you do better than anyone else in your industry?
Soapoint Graphics: Soapoint has a goal: to create a movement in Denver based around art, design, social networking, and efficient marketing while also supplying a timely, quality product to our diverse client base.

Soapoint wants to help you claim what’s yours. We want to help you claim your identity. Not only by creating for you a logo, custom stickers, a large-scale print, or that vehicle wrap you’ve been dreaming about, but also through your lifestyle. We hope to be a face, a place, and a connection for all those who are, or want to become; a part of an artistic, fun-loving, creative community. Soapoint is not just a custom design and print shop, Soapoint is a way of life. We don’t want to just produce things, we want to help improve our community, share our surroundings, and give back when needed. Follow us on our journey…and let us help you on yours.

We are a multifaceted graphics company that loves working with different media in order to create unique, custom graphics for every one of our equally unique clients. At Soapoint, we are not limited to the average printing of banners, stickers, and posters; our skills extend into custom designed marketing materials, vehicle wraps, as well as exclusive graphic design and apparel production…just to name a few. When we’re not ‘burning the midnight oil’ to finish a project, you can find us encouraging our community through a local collection of ‘Makers & Doers’, or you might find us enjoying Colorado’s natural surroundings as we hit the slopes on our custom vinyl wrapped boards. We are just a group of ordinary guys, doing extraordinary things. Keep up with us, you’ll see.

AIGA CO: Why are you involved with AIGA?
SG: Soapoint sponsors Drink and Draw with AIGA as well as several other events in town – creative networking and awesome relationship.

AIGA CO: Finish this sentence. Design is ________.
SG: A lifestyle.

AIGA CO: Your company made a bazillion extra dollars in profit. What are you going to do with all that extra cash?
SG: Settle up with the world and throw one bad ass art party.

AIGA CO: Give us a sneak peak on something new coming ahead for you.
SG: Lots of interior work going down and continuing to branch out and satisfy more needs for our broad clientele.  There are some big walls coming up and I anticipate a lot of custom vehicle wraps this year.  In the pictures you can see a room layout – it is a narrow room and this layout shows all 4 walls laid in a straight line. We have done this company’s logo as well as a ton of other in store custom wall graphics and branding. There will be lots of events with Westword this year as well.


Many thanks to Soapoint for being a loyal AIGA CO sponsor! Be sure to check out their website at studiosoapoint.com.

By AIGA Colorado
Published January 11, 2013
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