AIGA Colorado, the local chapter of the nation’s oldest and largest professional association for design, is currently seeking nominations for its open board positions, effective April 1st. We’re looking for motivated volunteers to help us pursue our mission of advancing design as a professional craft, strategic advantage, and vital cultural force.
Ready to lend a hand? Fill out the form NOW
The incoming volunteer board will play a pivotal role in reshaping AIGA Colorado to be a leader within the Colorado design community and beyond. Serving on the board often enriches the personal and professional lives of volunteers, and provides board members with the opportunity to meet accomplished industry professionals as well as network with up-and-coming talent.
Board nominees need not be current AIGA members at the time of nomination, but any nominees elected will be required to join and maintain their membership for the duration of a two-year term. Chair positions must join at the Contributor level or higher; Director-level positions and above must be Supporting members at a minimum. (For more information about membership levels, visit
Self-nomination is permitted and encouraged.
Open board positions:
You are a visionary. You love the Colorado creative community and always have ideas to improve it. You look beyond our state for inspiration and want to share that with everyone around you. Apply Here →
Chapter Development Director
Organization comes naturally to you. You pride yourself in finding order in chaos and understand the benefits of details. You don’t just crunch numbers, you crush them. And you love connecting with people who want to see the organization grow. Apply Here →
Programming Director
You love bringing new ideas to fruition and understand timelines. You can manage creatives and help them see the opportunity of their concept for an event. You understand parameters of budgets and goals and relish in the excitement of the opportunity. Apply Here →
Communication Director
In this day in age, you know there are so many ways to get notified. And you understand how they work. You get how timely things need to be, and the formality (or not) of how the message should be received. You love content and the constant updates – and want to assist us in providing that for our members. Apply Here →
Mentorship & Education Director
The next generation of designers (young or old) need to be connected and you understand that learning never ends. You enjoy seeing the magic of connections and finding ways to facilitate relationships. You would be in charge of running the Review and our College Mentorship Program. Apply Here →
Admin Chair
This important position is focused on helping the chapter deal with day-to-day tasks, such as organizing board meetings, and assisting the VP & Director of Chapter Development with their communication and sponsor duties. Apply Here →
Membership Director
We are a membership based organization and this position is dedicated to being an ambassador for the chapter. You would host a couple of events a year and communicate the benefits of being a member at our events and on our website. Apply Here →
Community Outreach Chair
This position is focused on connecting AGIA CO with other organizations – creative, business, and city focused. You would work closely with the VP of programming to be sure events get to people outside of the creative field and be one of the organizers of the ArtStir in accordance with Denver Pavilions. Apply Here →
Volunteer Chair
Our organization is 100% volunteer run. It’s critical to our chapter that we have a solid base of volunteers to help support our various initiatives. You would serve as the ambassador for the chapter when new people visit, and encourage participation at the local level. In addition, you would be one of the organizers of the ArtStir weekend with Denver Pavilions. Apply Here →
Field Directors
Is your city a bit too far to drive for smaller events? And you want to have an AIGA presence in your community? If so, this position is for you! You would run a small team of volunteers to organize smaller events in your area. You would work closely with the VP of Chapter Development, VP of Programming, and VP of Communication to execute events in your area and promote them online. Apply Here →
Buzz Chair
Leading independent creatives to grow is a critical task. You understand what it’s like to run a small business and have experienced freelance life first hand. This position holds monthly roundtable discussions about freelance and small business topics. You would lead discussions and bring in speakers for this event. Apply Here →
Drink & Draw Chair
All work and no play makes anyone dull. Your job through this monthly run event is to host a themed hands-on event. Finding friendly ways for our community to relax, get creative, and get to know each other. Apply Here →
New Programming Chair
We are creative types and constantly have new ideas we want to try out. You would help us figure out how to make these ideas happen and assist us in running supporting events! Apply Here →
Workshop Chair
Increasing our technical skills is the only way we can keep up with technology. Your job would be to host three to four workshop based events to grow our members skills. The topics are open ended and can be anything you can imagine wanting to learn. Apply Here →
Craftworks Chair
Thinking outside the box is what designers thrive on and they love getting crafty. Your job is to host three to four hands-on non-graphic design based events per year. Again, the topics are open ended. Apply Here →
Speaker Series
Our speaker series is the bread and butter of our chapter. Learning from outside creatives is one of the most rewarding experiences any designer can have. It would be up to you to brainstorm who you want to have come to Colorado, organize their visit, and host them while they are here. You would also be in charge of working with the DAM and VP of Communications to announce their visit. This is a rare chance to work directly with almost any national creative you would like. Apply Here →
Annual Event & Fundraising Event Director
There are many different tasks that make hosting an annual event successful. It requires having a vision for the event, meeting deadlines, working vendors and coordinating a team. Pulling everyone together is no easy task, but the challenge of that and the great opportunity is what inspires you. Apply Here →
Branding Chairs
Design is what you love and really all you want to do. Lucky for you, design is in high demand! We are looking for team members to help us design for our speaker series, workshops series, and the handful of other events we host every year. This is your opportunity to do the design you really want to do! Apply Here →
Those designers love to talk, but don’t know how. This is where you come in, helping us refine our ideas into something that matters. You would review our content, provide feedback, and help us communicate our ideas through social media in tandem with our SM chair. You would be integral in publishing content on our website and the communication that moves through our multi-channel messaging. Apply Here →
Social Media Chairs
You love sharing design stories and know how to engage an online audience. You like talking to people and are great at stoking the fire for upcoming events. We are looking for some people to help us maintain a solid voice about what we have going on and what is happening in the creative community as a whole. Apply Here →
Web Chair
HTML and CSS don’t phase you. You know what it takes to get content online and love the strategy behind making a website actually work for you! You would be in charge of adding events and articles to our site, and sending out our HTML emails. The lifeblood of our communications team lies within you. Apply Here →
Professional Development Chair
You know that being a professional doesn’t just end once you’ve worked for a certain number of years. Learning is a never ending process and you know that connecting with older creatives is as important as connecting with younger creatives. You also know that there are many professionals looking for opportunity, and you look forward to looping them into the job market. You would help us run Well Seasoned, our professional roundtable discussion, and help promote our professional grant program while finding mentors for various other initiatives. Apply Here →
Teen Mentorship Chair
The opportunity of a young mind seeing the potential of design as a career and outlet is what drives you. In this position you would connect professionals with teens to learn about the potential career they have in design. Apply Here →
Awards Chair
There are two big ways our chapter gives back to its members. For the students, it is the Robert Taylor Scholarship Fund. For our professionals, it is our Professional Grant Program. You would be in charge of organizing each, promoting to the appropriate audience, and running the selection process for each. Apply Here →
College Chair
You know how college is, you have been an educator or are one, and understand the intricacies of being a student. You also know how critical it is that they connect with professionals outside of their school. Your job would be to connect with our student members & groups, host a student event or two, and help with the mentorship program for a year. Apply Here →