Giving Voice 7: Call For Designers

Want to make a difference in a young person’s life? Become a mentor at Giving Voice, the annual poster design collaboration between AIGA Colorado and VSA of Colorado/Access Gallery. The program matches graphic designers and teen artists with disabilities for a multi-session poster design and mentoring workshop, which culminates in an gallery exhibition.

There will be a reception/orientation for designers on Wednesday, May 22 from 5:30-7pm at Access Gallery, 909 Santa Fe Drive.

The workshops will be held at the gallery on 3 Wednesdays: June 12th, 19th and 26th from 12 – 1pm, resulting in a poster exhibition on Friday, July 19th at 6pm.

For more information and to secure your spot, RSVP by Monday, May 20 to Amy Siegel. E-mail amy_siegel@gensler.com or call 303.893.7196.

By AIGA Colorado
Published May 16, 2013
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