‘Tis the Season! Volunteer at the Horseshoe Holiday Market
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Looking for an opportunity to spread a little holiday cheer? Become a volunteer at this year’s Horseshoe Holiday Market! The event will be at the Denver Pavilions on Saturday, Dec. 7th and the following week on Saturday, Dec. 14th. We are looking for help between the hours of 8-5pm, with 4 hour time slots on each day.

This will be a great opportunity to network and if you have any interest in being a vendor, this is a great glimpse into that world. You can also get in a little shopping and spend some quality family time in the heart of downtown. As an added bonus, the Parade of Lights will be held on December 7th, so you’ll be able to catch the event after volunteering (your parking will be paid for, a double bonus!).

Here is what we need for BOTH days

  • Help setting up booths
  • Working both AIGA and Whole Foods craft booths
  • Variety of people-traffic guidance
  • Help cleaning up at the end

Here is what you get:

  • FREE parking at the Denver Pavilions
  • FREE hot cocoa
  • Opportunity to network, do some shopping and catch the Parade of Lights

If you are interested in volunteering, please email volunteer@aigacolorado.org. You will be contacted by a team member to schedule a time slot.

We greatly appreciate the support from all of our members and volunteers. Thank you and happy holidays!

By AIGA Colorado
Published November 13, 2013
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