An Inspiring Evening with Randy Hunt

It was great to see so many faces – both new and known – at the Randy Hunt speaker event. Randy – Etsy’s Creative Director – pleased the crowd by answering questions about Etsy and its web strategy. What local designer wouldn’t want a peek inside the world’s biggest and best online craft market? Yet the best part was hearing about the relationship he has developed between creative time that has become “work” and “side projects,” which he treats as creative outlets that satisfy his artistic side. We can all understand wanting to do what we “love” as our job. But once you accomplish that, how do you justify the life/work balance when you have transformed the things you do in your spare time into your full-time endeavor?

You might argue it’s a great problem to have, yet Randy pointed out that there are hidden challenges, and he shared his solution to some of them. He journals all his ideas and possible side projects, and sets aside time each week to review them. He doesn’t tie himself to finishing any of them. He really nurtures this part of his creative life, allowing it to happen when it’s right, and not attaching any expected results or deadlines to it. It’s an approach that I can imagine would help you reconnect to a state of creative freedom.

Afterward, at the Speaker Dinner, a smaller group had a great time geeking out about online business model theory. The group referenced project examples from Kickstarter, and Randy talked about his former involvement with Supermarket.  He also shared some intriguing thoughts on managing a team… when to give someone more room, and when to hold them accountable.

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Many thanks to Randy for an insightful and inspiring evening!

Be sure to join us for out next Speaker Series event as design legend Kit Hinrichs will be speaking at the Denver Art Museum on Thursday, October 9th!

By Samuel Schimek
Published September 29, 2014
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