Five by One .2

Quote I’m Pondering:

“The purpose of life is to discover your gift.
The work of life is to develop it.
The meaning of life is to give your gift away.”
– David Viscott


Made Me Smile:

I love this article’s approach and dedication to understanding the user and their experience. This is the way it should be. Design has a great impact on every aspect of our life, it is our responsibility as designers to ensure we’re doing our part in the world. “We know from experience how design quality reduces anxiety and aggressive behavior.”


Made Me Excited:

I’m a huge fan of Tim Ferriss, I’ve been listening to his podcasts and trying to implement his philosophies into my life on a daily basis. He just came out with a new book called Tools of Titans. Check out this review


Made Me Think:

This video really made me stop and think.


Made Me Look:

These twisted sculptures by Xavier Puente Vilardell are really amazing!


Collected by Liv.


By AIGA Colorado
Published December 20, 2016
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