Five by One – No.5

Made Me Look

This article is about the photography of Gunnar Smoliansky. One thing that drew me to this work was how beautifully simple the images were and how they depicted every day life. Smoliansky has explored the people and places of Stockholm for over 65 years. I loved reading about his philosophy, what inspires his work, and what he plans to do in the future. Well worth the read and look!


Made Me Excited

Reading more has been on my New Year’s resolution list for years. I’m pretty excited to dive into this list of wonderful books curated by Design Observer.


Made Me Think

I really liked the philosophy of this article. “Designers do more than make shiny, pretty things. They shape how the world works by solving problems.” I love this list of 5 basic principles that designers can (and should) follow to create a more meaningful world.


Made Me Smile

Oh books. You glorious thing you! I would do anything to check out some of the worlds best bookstores. #Bucketlist

Quote I’m Pondering

“Handling an emotional crisis leads to greater wisdom and results in lifetime benefits. Fear of life is really the fear of emotions. It is not the facts that we fear but our feelings about them. Once we have mastery over our feelings, our fear of life diminishes.”-David R. Hawkins

Collected by Liv, @livzabka

By AIGA Colorado
Published February 24, 2017
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