Meet the 2018/19 AIGA Colorado Robert W. Taylor Scholarship Winners

Each year, AIGA Colorado invites student designers from across the state to submit portfolios to the Robert W. Taylor Scholarship, an annual statewide portfolio review. With the winning prospects in sight, community and award recognition, $1500 and $500 for the first and second prize winners is a nice way to sweeten the deal. Applicants that advance to the second round of review are greeted by professional judges via a design review of their comprehensive portfolio to determine the winning awards. As with every year, the level of passion and creative ambition did not go unnoticed.

AIGA Colorado chose to support two very talented individuals who are the cream of the crop. They have the ability to cause change and will make a great impact on our design community.

Student work was judged by the AIGA Advisory Board’s jury panel.

photo of the award judges

Michael Signorella, Creative Director of Studio Signorella
Marty Gregg, Owner of ArtHouse Design 
and Dave Shelton, Creative Director of David Shelton Design


Take a closer look at this year’s winning pieces:

1st place winner: Maddi Waneka

Metropolitan State University of Denver

Entry 1 by Maddi Waneka

Entry 2 by Maddi Waneka




2nd place winner: James Love
Pikes Peak Community College

Entry 1 by James Love

Entry 1 by James Love

Congratulations Maddi and James! We look forward to great things from you!

By AIGA Colorado
Published February 1, 2019
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