IBM Design Thinking College Road Show of Colorado

College Road Show of Colorado

This September, IBM Design will be visiting the front range to engage students of design and professionals in a series of IBM Design Thinking workshops. Whether you’re re-envisioning the customer experience for a multinational bank or just planning your next project, we want to show you how to use IBM Design Thinking to stay focused on what matters to users as you lead your team from ideas to outcomes.
IBM Design will also be visiting area design programs. Their IBM Design Thinking College Road Show of Colorado!

Monday | 9.26 | Colorado State University

Tuesday | 9.27 | 11 am – 1pm | RMCAD
Printmaking Room (Epic 110)
Open only to RMCAD Students, Alumni, and Faculty –  RSVP here.

Tuesday | 9.27 | 5:3pm – 8:30pm | RMCAD
AIGA Industry Night  + IBM Design Thinking Workshop @RMCAD
Rotunda Building

Wednesday | 9.28 | 11am – 12pm
Metropolitan State University of Denver
Tivoli Student Union ZENITH ROOM  [ 6th floor ]

If you’d like IBM Design to visit your program, feel free to reach out to Amber Atkins, Head of Global Recruitment + AIGA Austin Director of Education and Mentorship at aatkins{at}us.ibm.com.

IBM Design Thinking Workshop

AIGA Colorado is happy to host IBM Design at RMCAD for a special IBM Design Thinking Workshop for the design community.
Join us on Tuesday, September 27th from 5:30-8:30pm.
Here’s what you can expect |
5:30-6:30pm | Registration + Networking – lite refreshments will be served | Rotunda Building
6:30-8:30pm | IBM Design Thinking Workshop | Print Making Room


By AIGA Colorado
Published September 20, 2016
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