AIGA Colorado: Elevate 2019

AIGA Colorado: Elevate | A summer college mentorship program to start May 30th with a Poster Exhibition and Silent Auction.

AIGA Colorado: Elevate is meant to enhance our design community by identifying with characteristics of what it means to be a designer. Design students from Colorado colleges and universities will be paired with professional designers from the Denver design community.

Your challenge, if chosen for the mentor program, is to collaboratively design a poster centered around the theme “Unity in Variety,” a poster challenge sponsored by AIGA Colorado. Your mentor will guide your process and support design decisions. Your final poster product will be showcased at a gallery exhibition this summer and auctioned off to support mentorship and education initiatives for AIGA Colorado.

You must apply to be considered for Elevate 2019 and there are only 15 slots available; the sooner you apply the better! Applications and fees are due no later than May 13th.

Elevate Application fees due May 13th
AIGA Student Members = $10
Student: Non AIGA Members = $25

Elevate Event Details
Meeting on Thursday, May 30th, 2019 | 6:00pm-9:00pm
Location will be emailed upon confirmation in program.

If you aren’t a member already, consider becoming one so that you can get your student member discount for this and the other amazing AIGA Colorado programming. AIGA’s paid memberships help to bring resources to Colorado that we’re working to share with everyone, AIGA member or not. It’s an invaluable way to support our mission of serving the creative community.

Interested in becoming a mentor or mentee?
Apply Now!

Elevate 2019 Mentee Fee

If you have any questions on this program, please email 

When & Where
Mon, May 13, 2019 - Fri, Jul 26, 2019