Can We Train For Change Online Webinar

The world is changing at a speed and scale never seen before. How we approach change—both the externally imposed changes (technology, climate change, and now COVID-19) and the internally motivated desire for our own growth—is more important than ever. It is time to shake up the way we feel about change.

Comfort Zone-Shake-Up is a catalyst to explore, experiment, and expand our comfort zones. The conventional outlook is that life begins at the end of your comfort zone—that change requires jumping out of that space where you feel comfortable and in control. Comfort Zone Shake-Up challenges that assumption, building on the idea that we can train to embrace change by expanding from within our comfort zones through creating a growth mindset and daily habits that can create macro-level change from micro-level actions. It provides motivation and encouragement to begin understanding our feelings about change, to define our most important priorities, and to create better lives for ourselves by taking action to induce change.

Bio: Federica Cascia is a senior marketing strategist at Samsung with a passion for the relationship between technology and humanity. Comfort Zone Shake-Up is her personal project focused on understanding how we approach change through exploring, experimenting, and expanding our comfort zones. She is originally from Moie, Italy and moved to New York in 2014, where she lives with her husband.

You can find Federica on her website or connect with her on social via Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn

Donations from this event will support future programming, workshops, will go to our Robert Taylor scholarship for students.

Time: 4-5pm MST/ 6-7pm EST

When & Where
Fri, Apr 17, 2020 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM MDT