
AIGA Colorado Robert Taylor Professional Grant

As part of AIGA Colorado’s mis­sion to com­mu­ni­cate the value of design, we real­ize that learning doesn’t stop when you leave the class­room with a degree in hand. In fact, that’s when it really starts. New tech­nolo­gies and expand­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties require new skills. Designers are con­stantly evolv­ing to remain rel­e­vant, cre­ative and prof­itable. This is an excit­ing time to be a pro­fes­sional designer, but it can also be tricky to keep up or set the pace.

That’s why AIGA Colorado has cre­ated the Professional Grant. These funds are designed to help you gain a new skill, per­spec­tive, or income stream. This grant is just for you — our Sustaining and Supporting Members — to help fur­ther develop your career and meet your profes­sional goals.

Have a con­fer­ence you want to attend? Training you want to par­tic­i­pate in? Want to start a spe­cial project but don’t have the cap­i­tal? Maximize your mem­ber­ship and grow your pas­sion for design with a Professional Grant. We want to sup­port and nur­ture our design com­mu­nity by sup­port­ing you, our foun­da­tion members.

Every other year, AIGA Colorado will award one finalist up to $1500 to put towards their project.

Stay tuned for the next RT Professional Grant Application timeline.

For more information and general inquiries about the Robert Taylor AIGA Colorado Professional Grant, please contact AIGA Colorado Mentorship & Education Team.