Become an AIGA Colorado Sponsor


AIGA brings design to the world, and the world to designers

As the profession’s oldest and largest professional membership organization for design—with more than 70 chapters and over 25,000 members—we advance design as a professional craft, strategic advantage, and vital cultural force. From content that defines the global practice to events that connect and catalyze, we work to enhance the value and deepen the impact of design across all disciplines on business, society, and our collective future.

Why partner with us?
When you partner with AIGA Colorado, you reach designers and the larger creative community by leveraging their relationship with an organization that they trust as their own.

With over 400 local members working as creatives in a variety of industries and roles, a 15% annual growth rate, 3,800+ email subscribers, and 8,500+ social media followers AIGA Colorado has a substantial platform for visibility, partnership, and market penetration.

Allow us to schedule a time to speak, take you to coffee, or present to you team to tell you more.

Donation & Sponsorship
Any sponsorship is greatly appreciated and our goal is to support your firm as you support our organization. As such, any sponsorship can be crafted with benefits to suit your brand, marketing, collaboration, and creative goals.

We gladly accept any of these sponsorships on a per event or annual basis. If you sponsorship interest does not fall into the categories above we would still be happy to discuss how we may be able to help benefit each other.

With your support of AIGA CO, you will enjoy access to a tightly-knit creative community.

If you have any questions or are interested in sponsorship opportunities, we are happy to create a package just for you.