Colorado Creatives Series
In support of #AIGAatHome, we have launched the Colorado Creatives Series, an opportunity to celebrate and showcase local creatives in our area. Our Colorado Creatives will share a little about their creative process, some of their most worthwhile investments, current reading lists and more. Enjoy!
Maddy Beard
She, Her, Hers
Where can we find you?
What are you currently working on?
I’m just beginning my year as an Adobe Creative Resident! I’m really excited about this because it gives me a chance to work on a self-led project that I’m super interested in. I’m going to be exploring how we can use interaction design to increase mindfulness throughout daily life.
Instead of designing mediation apps and exploring concepts that already exist, I’m going to be focusing on how brands in various spaces can facilitate digital experiences that are human-led, and therefore more mindful.
Especially during a time like this when we’re more isolated and spending lots of time on our devices, I think it’s really important for brands and product designers to give the power back to the user and really serve them in a way that protects their mental health and respects their time and energy.
What are you reading, listening to or watching right now?
I’m only slightly ashamed to say that I’ve been watching The Bachelor’s Listen to your Heart and very much looking forward to it every Monday. Judge me if you want but it’s getting me through quarantine! And speaking of TV addiction… I’ve also been reading Irresistible by Adam Alter. It’s all about the rise of addictive tech and the business of keeping us hooked. Super interesting and eye-opening! But apparently not enough to get me un-hooked on reality TV. 🤷♀️
How have you adapted your creative process during this time?
One thing I’m doing more of during this time is seeking out other creatives online to learn from them. I love going to design-related events here in Denver and meeting up with other creatives, but since that’s not possible right now, I’ve been spending many evenings watching Live Streams by designers on Youtube and Adobe Live. Shoutout to Jen & Amy Hood at Hoodzpah! I recently watched them design a logo LIVE on Youtube and it was super cool. Things like this have been inspiring me to continue learning and experimenting during a time when motivation is hard to come by.
When you feel overwhelmed or unfocused, what do you do?
When I’m overwhelmed, I always make lists. Breaking things down into bites is so satisfying and helpful for me. I’m currently obsessed with the app TeuxDeux for list making – it’s the simplest tool out there and I love it.
But when I reach a point in the day where my focus is just out the window, I walk away from my computer, make a smoothie bowl, and zen out to The Office for a little bit. Some people swear by the method of taking 5 minute breaks every hour, but I prefer to get into a flow state for several hours and then indulge in a nice long break when I need one. When I do, I always come back to my desk in a much better headspace.
To each their own! I think it’s important to listen to your instincts when it comes to maintaining creativity and productivity during tough times.