Colorado Creatives Series
In support of #AIGAatHome, we have launched the Colorado Creatives Series, an opportunity to celebrate and showcase local creatives in our area. Our Colorado Creatives will share a little about their creative process, some of their most worthwhile investments, current reading lists and more. Enjoy!
Daustin Harvey
He, Him, and His
Where can we find you?
How have you adapted your creative process during this time?
I have been listening to more podcasts, ebooks, and youtube videos to learn new techniques and tools during this time.
What is one piece of advice you can offer to other designers right now?
Do not compare yourself to others, when all you have time to do is think. This will impact everyone in a different way, some good and some bad. Just like when we get back to normal there will always be someone in a better position and a worse position, and do your best to not dwell or let it bring you down. Just be on your timeline.
What is one of the best or most worthwhile investments you’ve ever made? (Could be an investment of money, time, energy, etc.)
The most worthwhile investments I have for sure made was my house. I was in a position a long time ago, where I was wanting to not deal with it due to a bad circumstance I was in, and I was about to give up on it. My grandma actually talked me out of it, and I turned my mindset around. Moved back in as I was not at the time, and decided to keep going with it. I feel extremely blessed I did not make that decision and she helped me through it, as this investment was by far my best one to date.
In the last five years, what new belief, behavior, or habit has most improved your life?
Even though during this time, I have let it go a little working out daily for 1-1.5 hours has been my best behavior that has changed my life. It gave me motivation to eat healthier so I did not lose gains. It gave me a self structure type, and it helped me not drink alcohol as often. From there I had more energy and was able to accomplish a ton more than before I actually had that habit in my head.
What are you currently working on?
We are currently still working and providing masks. I am also co-producing a documentary called Colorado Recovers, which follows businesses and people through the transition period we are in. I am currently also producing a film called A Girl Like Me where a young Hispanic woman from a traditional religious family, must choose between fulfilling their expectations or her love for the new girl in town. Lastly I am on the board of Women in Film and Media CO, where we are currently working with the film commission to help keep jobs in Colorado during this time and show that film is important.