Meet the 2017 Robert W. Taylor Scholarship Winners

The Robert W. Taylor Scholarship was created to help young designers who are enrolled in an accred­ited col­lege design pro­gram by pro­vid­ing a $1,500 schol­ar­ship and a one-year subscription to Adobe Creative Cloud. This year we were so impressed with all of the inspiring submissions from students with passion and a creative vision that will no doubt bring them great success in their careers.

AIGA CO chose to support two very talented individuals who are the cream of the crop. They have the ability to cause change and will make a great impact on our design community.

Student work was judged by the AIGA Advisory Board  lovely jury panel.

Charles Carpenter, Partner at Wigwam Creative,
Dave Shelton, Creative Director of David Shelton Design,
Michael Signorella, Creative Director of Studio Signorella,
Amy Siegel, Associate at Gensler,
and Marty Gregg, Owner of ArtHouse Design


Here is an up close look at this year’s winning pieces:

1st place winner: Olivia Orr
Rocky Mountain College of Art & Design




2nd place: Lauren Hostetler
The Art Institute of Colorado


Congratulations Olivia and Lauren! We look forward to great things form you

By AIGA Colorado
Published May 5, 2017
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