Student Chapters

AIGA Colorado supports the development of student chapters across the state with events, scholarships, and portfolio development. Each chapter is unique, from high school students, to community colleges and universities, these are aspiring designers committed to learning leadership skills and connecting with AIGA Colorado. Along with the student chapters listed below, AIGA Colorado partners with Denver Public Schools with the CareerConnect program.

Interested in mentoring, adding a student group or find out more on how to start a student group? Reach out to the interim VP of Education and Mentorship, Shawn Meek at

Resources for Student Chapters

Metropolitan State University of Denver

Advisor: Lisa Abendroth
Facebook Group

Rocky Mountain College of Art + Design

Advisor: Shelby Huckabay
Facebook Group

Colorado State University

Advisor: Jason Frazier
Facebook Group

Red Rocks Community College + Warren Tech

Advisors: Paul Weinrauch + Scot Odenhaul
Facebook Group

Pikes Peak Community College

Advisor: Peter Strand
Facebook Group

Colorado Mesa University

Advisor: Eli Hall
Facebook Group

Fort Lewis College

Advisor: Anthony Carton
Facebook Group

CU Boulder

Advisor: Dan Ligon

Front Range Community College, Westminster

Advisor: Rachel Byland
Facebook Group