Get excited for Membership Week 2019!
Celebrating the benefits of AIGA Membership in Colorado
Sunday April 7 — Saturday April 13
As the largest professional association of designers in the world, AIGA is committed to advancing the value and impact of design, both locally and globally, and working together to inspire, support, and learn from each other at every stage of our careers.
Our 2019 Membership week is quickly approaching — a week-long focus on the benefits of AIGA membership, networking opportunities, inspirational and educational events, student creative agency tours, and a portfolio review. Everyone who joins or renews with AIGA Colorado during membership week is entered into a drawing for a chance to win one year-long Adobe CC subscription or one InVision professional license. All events attendees during the week will also be entered into a drawing for a chance to win; you will receive one entry per event you check-in to. To receive the InVision license you must be a new member or currently have a free level plan.
AIGA’s paid memberships help to bring resources to Colorado that we’re working to share with everyone, AIGA member or not. Membership isn’t designed to be a paywall to our content or community. Instead, it’s an invaluable way to support our mission of serving the creative community.
Event Snapshot
Sunday, April 7 //Boulder Film Series, Graphic Means @ Dairy Arts Center
Monday, April 8 // Drink & Draw, Cocktails and Caricatures @ Fort Greene
Tuesday, April 9 // De-Stress to Impress @ New Vibes Health & Acupuncture
Wednesday, April 10 // TO BE RESCHEDULED // Redefining Equality: A Diversity and Inclusion Panel Discussion @ Gensler
Thursday, April 11 // Speaker Series, Kristine Arth @ Denver Art Museum
Friday, April 12 // The One Club’s Denver Paper Fashion Show and After Party @ Stanley Marketplace
Saturday, April 13 // LoDo Typography Hunt & Closing Party @ Pony Up
Saturday, April 13 // Colorado Springs Student & Young Professional Portfolio Review @ Pikes Peak Community College
Student Creative Agency Tours
AIGA Colorado is offering students an opportunity to visit some of Denver’s Creative Agencies, so they can see what it’s like to work in the fields of Advertising, Marketing, and Design. Agency tours are open to currently enrolled students and will be limited to 20 people per tour.
RSVP for Student Creative Agency Tours
Monday, April 8 // ArtHouse Design @ 1PM
Tuesday, April 9 // Strada Advertising @ 1PM
Wednesday, April 10 // Ellen Bruss Design @ 1PM
Friday, April 12 // Sukle Advertising and Design @ 1PM
Thank You
Thank you to Adobe and InVision for their generous donations in support of the design community.